jay farrer and benjamin gibbard

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Feet and Inches are so 20th Century

Remember metric? Remember how 40 or so years ago, the U.S. was going to convert to metric? Didn't happen, because, Americans couldn't wrap their massive, exceptional brains around something so simple.

Over here, you have to dumb yourself down so you can comprehend units of 10, like 100 centimeters equals 1 meter, and so on.....its so simple it hurts my brain! I have resigned myself to learning metric and I suppose I will get used to being dumber.

Leslie is way ahead of me in this regard. Check out all the metric scales she has:

Wednesday, March 09, 2016


Moving inexorably toward Spring, and then Summer when there will be almost 17 hours of daylight here in Amsterdam:
Today, March 9, 2016
Length of day- 11 hours 26 minutes
Tomorrow will be 4 minutes 6 seconds longer
June 21, 2016
Length of day- 16 hours, 48 minutes

Tuesday, March 08, 2016


Went to see an exhibit of architect H. P. Berlage on Sunday. He is considered to be the most important designer in Dutch history. He not only designed the Beurs van Berlage (the massive Stock Exchange building, generally seen as the starting point of modern Dutch architecture), but also many exceptional objects and pieces of furniture inside the building. The exhibit contrasted his work with contemporary design influenced by him. I found myself photographing mostly the contemporary stuff...... 

Monday, March 07, 2016


Good Lord! A massive Democrat sighting right here in Amsterdam. Not only that, they coerced me into voting! Bern Baby Bern!